Friday, April 13, 2012

A Blessed Day

I would like to thank everyone for all the birthday wishes!  (All the phone calls, emails, visits, and messages...I appreciate it!)  It has been a blessed day!

My Daddy took me out on a "date" for lunch...we had a wonderful time.  So special!

When we got home, I had a pretty little package waiting for me.  It took me on a treasure hunt to find this...

Hot chips and ginger ale...Leah gave me my favorite junk food!  :)  What a sweet sis!  (Hot chips...I love those things...the hotter the better!)  

I started in the kitchen, went outside, and finally ended up in the boys' closet, upstairs.

Here are my rhyming clues and let me not forget, the gift certificate to Stick Boys in favorite bakery!  (Blueberry scones and cinnamon rolls, here I come!)  My family knows what I like... :)

Snapshots by Leah...

For supper, my dear Momma fixed me a fabulous meal.  It included roasted chicken, dressing, gravy, green beans, and cantaloupe (compliments of Maw-Maw Brown).  :)  We had pineapple ice cream with fresh strawberries for dessert...yum!  :)  It was SO GOOD!

I am one blessed 17 year old!!!  I thank the Lord for another year to serve Him and for His many blessings!

P.S. If you would like to see some pictures of past here for last year's post.

Oh Happy Day!

It has "officially" happened to me...I am OLD!  (Well, not until 11:19am, but we're getting close.)  I am 17, today.  It is really hard to believe...



My family is so sweet! They make me feel so special! I love you, all!


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It's April! (Plus Pinwheel Hairclips)

Well, it is finally my birthday month!  I always look forward to's such a beautiful time of the year!

I have been "missing in action," from the blog, for a couple of weeks. I have been working on graduation things in my spare time.  :)  It's really hard to believe I'm graduating from homeschool!  (Bitter-sweet...)

A week or so ago, I made these springy hairclips...they make you just want to go on a picnic!  :)

(The back)

I hope you had a blessed Easter...we have so much to be thankful for!  He is risen...the tomb is empty!

Easter Morning (Me and Leah)

April is a busy birthday month for our family!  Here, Katy and I are celebrating our birthdays, early.  (Mine is Friday and Katy's is the 19th...such old women...17 & 18!)  :)

What a wonderful time we had on Easter evening!  Here we are with our cousins!

I am so thankful that we serve a risen Savior! 

To Him...all the glory, forever!