I have such a sweet cousin!
Hearts on Things Above: Eight Instruments and Four Friends:
The Lord must have smiled on us today as I just returned from a lovely afternoon making music and spending time with my dear cousins and sister. We basked in the enjoyment of the sound of two violins, two mandolins, two guitars, a viola and a banjo. It was truly so very fun to just start playing and singing.
I am so very blessed to have such wonderful friends, that happen to be my family! We wouldn't know what to do without each other! We are the same four that have played in the algae waters of our creek, trudged the snow laden hills, played Apples to Apples more times than imaginable, made mud pies with the red North Carolina earth, ran from snakes, drunk over-chocolaty hot chocolate, and lived with the knowledge that the other three are always nearby. Life just wouldn't have be the same without them. God gives us people like that to love and to be loved by. They are a prayer warriors. They are the best still; the best even though things have changed and we're older.

To continue my ramblings, be a friend to someone who doesn't deserve it. Appreciate the ones who still love you. Smile when you're sad. Love because He first loved you. If you're a child of the King, you're blessed. Be thankful. Now go hug someone.
I love you Taylor, Leah and Kandace. You are special and I'm thankful for you all.
----I love you, too, Katy!----
Katy, Kandace, Leah, and Me
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