Thursday, January 17, 2013

For starters...

For starters, I suppose I should introduce myself.  :)
I'm Taylor and I am a 17 year old, homeschool graduate.  My "occupation" is a stay-at-home daughter.  I am currently earning my degree through CLEPing, which enables me to be under my father's protection.  (As a side note, I wouldn't have it any other way!)  I am so grateful to be a child of the King and thankful for the blessing of a wonderful family. 
Over the past year, the Lord has burdened me over embracing our roles as daughters.  In our culture, it is acceptable (and commended) for us, girls, to go out into the world and just "wing-it."  I feel, instead, the Lord has much higher plans and will lead us, if we let Him.  I look forward to sharing what the Lord is teaching me... 
Many blessings!

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