Monday, September 17, 2012

It's a shower!

Yesterday afternoon, we had a bridal shower for my dear, dear, dear, DEAR cousin, Katy Brown (Isaacs)!  It was a special time with our great-aunts from our MaMaw's side of the family. 
Here are the details...
(Warning...lots of pics!) :)
The front of our invitation...
(Please excuse the red and blue lines...this was a screen shot before we ordered them!)
Flower Pom-Poms

Sewing the Garland

The Table


Katy's Corsage...Made by Momma and Me

The Lovely Mrs. Isaacs-to-Be

Katy with her Grandmothers

A Beautiful Group of Special Ladies

Kandace and Leah

Oh...I love the punch! :)

Opening Gifts

The Four of Us, Girls
Pillow Covers for Katy...Made by Me

The wedding will be here, before we know it!  I am so excited for Katy and Josh...I know the Lord will bless them for honoring Him in every aspect of their relationship and future marriage.
Katy (and Josh), I love you, dearly!!!


servant4jesus7 said...

Love the pillow... never thought I would see my last name on one. :)

Taylor @ That's Sew Taylor! said...

Glad you like it, since it will be in your home... :) Hope you are well and looking forward to seeing you, soon!